About Datanamic
Smart tools for database modeling, development and administration.

New Versions Of Datanamic's Database Data Synchronization Tools

Datanamic has released version 2011 of its DataDiff product line. The Datanamic DataDiff product line, formerly known as DB Data Difftective, is a solution that is aimed at helping DBAs save time in comparing and synchronizing database data.

Version 2011 delivers many new and exciting features, most notably the new command line utility. With this new command line utility you can automate the process of data migration, synchronization and promotion.

New features include:

  • Filtering records to compare. You can filter the records that will be compared by using a WHERE clause for a pair of tables.
  • Command line utility. Perform unattended data comparison and synchronization. Create a project with the GUI version and run that project using the command line utility.
  • New comparison options. The comparison options (e.g. case insensitive comparison, trim values to compare, ...) let you tweak the way the comparison works.
  • Exclude fields from the comparison. Fields that have a name that matches one of the names you have added to the list of fields to be excluded will be excluded from comparison and/or synchronization automatically.
  • Export comparison results. Export the results of a comparison to CSV files.
  • Improved differences viewer. New differences viewer with easy-to-use navigation through the color-coded data differences and a new viewer for binary data.
More info:

Datanamic DataDiff and Datanamic DataDiff CrossDB

About Datanamic Solutions

Datanamic is a privately owned company based in Leiden, the Netherlands. Datanamic Solutions creates innovative database tools to assist the simplification and automation of database development. To learn more about us please visit our website at www.datanamic.com.

For Further Information:

Contact: Maaike van Doorn (press@datanamic.com)

Datanamic Solutions
Hooigracht 15
2312 KM Leiden
The Netherlands
tel: +31(0)71 - 5140901
fax: +31(0)71 - 5143593