About Datanamic
Smart tools for database modeling, development and administration.

DB Zipper V2.0 Out Now

Seven months after introducing DB Zipper 1.0, the Datanamic development team has released an upgrade that delivers command line options, performance improvements, improved BLOB/binaries support and better cross-database platform conversions.

DB Zipper is an exceptionally easy-to use cross-database utility to copy, deploy, migrate and backup database tables. DB Zipper supports native connections to Oracle, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, MS SQL Server and MS Access.

The combination of a new underlying data pump and a new way of handling BLOBs results in 30% to 50% performance improvements over the previous version.

Command-line options
DB Zipper V2 now can be run with command line options to automate adding to or extracting from database archive files. In combination with a scheduler, this is an easy way to automate your database backup jobs.

Database platform independency
Data type conversions between different database platforms has been improved by defining data type conversion rules for each of the supported database instead of the generic data type conversion method used in the previous version. These new data type conversion rules means that archived tables can be extracted (restored) to another database platform more easily.

System Requirements and Database Support

DB Zipper V2 is available as a 32-bit application. The product is available for Windows and requires a minimum of 64MB RAM. Disk space requirement is 4 MB.
DB Zipper V2 supports the following databases: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, InterBase/Firebird and MySQL.

Pricing and Availability

Pricing for DB Zipper V2 starts at E75 (EURO)/$95 (USD) for a single user license. DB Zipper V2 is available from the Datanamic corporate Web site at www.datanamic.com/dbzipper/.

Comprehensive product details are available at www.datanamic.com/dbzipper/.

Version 2 is a free upgrade for all DB Zipper V1 licensed users.

About Datanamic Solutions

Datanamic is a privately owned company based in Leiden, the Netherlands. Datanamic Solutions creates innovative database tools to assist the simplification and automation of database development. To learn more about us please visit our website at www.datanamic.com.

#### For Further Information:

Contact: Maaike van Doorn (press@datanamic.com)

Datanamic Solutions
Hooigracht 15
2312 KM Leiden
The Netherlands
tel: +31(0)71 - 5140901
fax: +31(0)71 - 5143593