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Can I Still Compare the Tables When There Is No Primary Key?

Yes, Datanamic DataDiff does not require a primary key. Datanamic DataDiff compares the records based on the comparison key. You can define this key. If your tables do not have a primary key then you must specify a comparison key.

To specify a comparison key for a table:

  1. Select the table in the list of tables in the main window.
  2. Click the Edit column settings button.
  3. In the Edit column settings dialog you see a list of mapped columns. You must tick the comparison key checkbox to add a column to the comparison key.
In the list of table in the main window there exists a column named columns in key. If the columns in key column is '0' for a table then no comparison key is available.

Datanamic DataDiff cannot compare tables when no comparison key is available.