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Using the BigQuery STRUCT data type

A STRUCT in Google BigQuery is a data type used to organize related fields. The STRUCT data type is used to define nested and repeated columns. A STRUCT is a container of ordered fields.

An example of a STRUCT in a CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE address (
  id STRING,
  first_name STRING,
  last_name STRING,
  dob DATE,
    status STRING,
    address STRING,
    city STRING,
    state STRING,
    zip STRING,
    numberOfYears STRING>

To define a STRUCT for an entity in DeZign for Databases, go to the Attributes tab in the Entity dialog and create a new attribute (for example "address"). Select data type STRUCT. Create another new attribute and name it with a reference to the STRUCT attribute. For example "address.status". Create another new attribute and name it with a reference to the STRUCT attribute. For example "". etc etc